Literature on Peace
- Fatwa on Terrorism and Suicide Bombings
- Islam on Mercy and Compassion
- Muhammad The Merciful
- Muhammad The Peacemaker
- Relations of Muslims and non-Muslims
- Islam on Serving Humanity
- Islam on Love & non-Vilience
- The Supreme Jihad
- Islamic Means of Peace
- Peace, Integration and Human Rights
- Teachings of Islam Series: Peace and Submission (Urdu)
- Teachings of Islam Series: Faith
- Teachings of Islam Series: Spiritual & Moral Excellence
- Islamic Spirituality & Modern Science (The Scientific Bases of Sufism)
- Terrorism and the Tribulation of the Kharijites (A Historic Fatwa on Terrorism and Suicide Bombings)
- Islam and the People of the Book (Teachings of Qur’an & Sunna and Imams’ Interpretations)
- The Supreme Jihad (Urdu)
- Islam on Love & non-Vilience (Urdu)
- Clilection of Prophetic Traditions on Divine Mercy
- The Compassion and Clemency of the Chosen Prophet (PBUH)
- Arba‘in Series: The Bestowing Mercy of the Beloved Messenger (PBUH)